Mar 25, 2014


March 22 - 24th, We went to Nara. This time we visited the temples located far from central Nara.
Day 1: Toshodaiji -> Yakushiji  -> Horyuji  -> Chu-gu-ji
Day 2: Murouji  -> Hase-dera  -> Hokkeji  ->Futaiji
Day 3: Gansenji  -> Jyoruriji

Of course  famous temple such as Horyuji's archtecture and Buddha statues are splendid, but here I would like to write about mountain temples which stood out in my mind.

Kondo Hall of  Murouji-temple
Murouji: The temple of esoteric buddhism. It is reffered as "Women's Koyasan", because the temple permitted entrance to women while Koyasan permitted only to men. Inside of the shingle-roofed Kondo Hall, there was a number of wooden Buddhist statues which have a style of early Heian Period (794-1185). Among them"Chuson Shaka Nyorai"had strong aura. Vibrant painting on its halo was still clear beyond 1000 years of the time. And Standing statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon Bosatsu was looking at me through slightly opened eyes as if she could see all the things about me.

Cloister of Hase-temple
Hase-temple: The very long cloister connecting to the main temple locate the top of a mountain, the stage built on a cliff etc...the scale of the architecture was overwhelming. It was a huge temple using geographical features beautifully. You see nice traditional-looking Japanese village from the stage built on the main temple. Standing on the stage makes you feel like you are playing a role in the magnificent scenery. In side of the main temple there was a gigantic Eleven-faced Kannon Bosatsu, which 1,018cm height. It is the biggest wooden Buddha in Japan.

Carved stone Buddhist images
Gansenji: It took about 30 min by buss from central Nara. It is a small temple but the principal image of Buddha's face was something I can't forget. More you look its face, more your minds calm down. The chief priest said the image shows infinite capacity towards people.
From Gansenji to Joururiji, you can walk mountain pass. On the pass you meet carved stone Buddhist images here and there.