Nov 30, 2014

Nara, Kyoto in Autumn

Colored autumn leaves at Taima temple 
From Nov. 27th to 29th I and my husband traveled Nara & Kyoto.
Taking bullet train "Shinkansen" and local train from Tokyo early morning arrived Nara around 10am. First place we went was Taima temple. The temple was constructed in 612. The temple is famous of displaying Taima Mandala which has legend of Chujyohime (princess Cyujyo) wove the entire Taima mandala tapestry in one night.
Also they have “Miroku (Maitreya) Buddha” and “Shitenno,” the oldest dry lacquer statues in Japan.

It was very good season of seeing autumn leaves colored yellow, orange and red. The foliage were as beautiful as brocade.

The garden of Akishino temple 
After the Taima temple we visited Akishino temple. Walking about 20min. from Yamato Saidaiji station you see the gate which has taste of "Wabi (translated as subdued refinement) ." Passing the gate you see beautiful the velvety moss-covered garden. It is a small temple but had nice quiet atmosphere. In main hall, there are some of the Buddha statues. Among them the standing statue of female deity Gigeiten, the patron god of the arts is well known. Her gentle, soft face inspired many artists.

 On the way back to the hotel we found Sake bar "Nara Izumi" where serves many kinds of sake produced from Nara prefecture. We tasted 4 kinds and they were very tasty.
 Second day, we visited Shin Yakushiji temple which located near our hotel. First impression was a small temple. But once I got in inside of main hall, I was astonished. A large sitting Yakushinyorai (Buddha able to cure all ills) was encircle by the twelve divine generals with full feelings of lively motions. They were simply overwhelming!

 Next we went to Hokke-do (Sangatsu-do) of Todaiji. Todaiji is most famous temple and landmark in Nara. All the Buddha placed there looked great. Especially Fukukenjaku Kannon was gorgeous. There is a crystal between her perms. We looked into monocle and see it well. Also the Kannon holds lopes in her lower arms. It is said the Kannon uses this rope to catch wandering souls and lead them to salvation.

Myoshinji temple
We moved to Kyoto and stayed over at temple lodge of Myoshinji temple. I like stay over at temple lodge some times. There is no
TV. Quiet atmosphere and healthy vegetarian food...feel like I am purified.

Last day we decided to spend the time for the things related to "Cha do (the way of tea)"since I'm practicing tea gathering.  
 We went Chado Research Center Galleries and Daitokuji Temple. In Chado Research Center Galleries we looked at many kinds of tea bowls. Also we were served green tea and Japanese sweets. Each person was served green tea in different tea bowl created by different artists. The tea bowl served me was made by the artist who hosted tea gathering in Tokyo about 1 month ago. So I was surprised by a chance.

Tea room in Kotoku-in
In Daitokuji temple we looked at some of tea rooms. Tea room has an element of imperfect. Leaving something unfinished for the play of imagination to complete. So the structure avoid symmetry and repetition. For instance windows are placed asymmetry, a different kind of wood is used for the pillar of alter from other pillars. In old time samurai (warrior) had to leave his sword on the rack beneath the eaves before entering to tea room. Tea room was the space for peace. The tea room in Kotoku-in of Daitokuji temple was my favorite. I imagined that it would be great to spend the time passes slowly by drinking green tea in the room with the feeling of  "Wakeiseijyaku (means harmony, respect, purity, tranquility)" .

The garden of Kotoku-in